Diplomatic Depth & Maneuver Over Kashmir

Indian diplomacy was tested after the abrogation of Article 370. International community responded in India’s favour whereby Pakistan’s efforts to internationalize the issue has not yielded fruits and international community treats Kashmir’s issue as a bilateral one. Deft diplomacy of India was exemplified by the following responses of country:

US’s Response

American President bowed to Indian wishes after he met Indian Prime Minister on the sidelines of G7 summit against his initial offer to mediate on the Kashmir issue.

U.N.’s Stance

Its stance is clear that India and Pakistan should resolve the issue bilaterally. It has neither issued any statement nor called for any formal meeting.

Russia’s Stance

Russian envoy said that the abrogation of Article 370 is a sovereign decision of the Indian government. It is an internal matter of India and such issues can be resolved between India and Pakistan under Simla and Lahore agreements which are in line with the position of India on Kashmir issue.

Israel’s Stance

The Israeli envoy said, “The matter is internal to India and India is the biggest democracy which respects individual rights and the rule of law.”

UAE’s Response

The United Arab Emirates gave Prime Minister of India its highest civilian award post abrogation of article 370.

  • UAE Ambassador to India commented that reorganization of states is not unique incident in history of independent India
  • He said that it was mainly aimed at reducing regional disparity and improving efficiency.
  • He viewed decision related to the state of Jammu and Kashmir as an internal matter.

France’s Response

France said that Kashmir is a bilateral issue and differences must be resolved through dialogue and parties should refrain from making any move that can aggravate tensions.

Sri Lanka’s Response

Sri Lankan Prime Minister supported the creation of Union Territory of Ladakh as it will be a UT with Buddhist majority.

Maldives’s Response

Maldives said it considers “the decision taken by the Government of India regarding Article 370 of the Indian Constitution as an internal matter”.”We believe it is the right of every sovereign nation to amend their laws as required”

Organisation of Islamic Conference

OIC said that Kashmir is an international issue. But many members of OIC have good relations with India, thus India have an edge in the international diplomacy due to the active foreign policy pursued by Pakistan.

Pakistan’s Dilemma

The silence of the international community on the Kashmir issue has baffled the Pakistan.

Thus, international responses clearly showcase the success of Indian diplomacy in proactive management of global outlook towards it’s Kashmir policy.