17th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting

The 17th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) was held in Singapore.

  • The meeting was held at an important juncture for the world of work as the region faces multiple challenges, including the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic compounded by the global food, energy and finance crises.
  • It offers a timely opportunity to reconfirm decent work and social justice as the driving forces for a human-centred recovery that is inclusive, sustainable and resilient.

Major Highlights: At the conclusion of the meeting, the ‘Singapore Statement’ was launched:

It represents a shared vision of the region’s priorities for national action among the ILO constituents and with ILO support in the coming years;

It highlights the need to ratify ILO fundamental conventions and further strengthen the capacities of government, employer and worker representatives to carry out effective social dialogue;

It confirms the commitment of governments and social partners across the regions to engage in consultations towards the development of a Global Social Justice Coalition;

It calls for action to close gender gaps and encourages ILO member countries to consider the ratification and effective implementation of related international labour standards, accelerate the transition from the informal to formal economy as well as strengthen governance frameworks to protect the rights of migrant workers; and

It calls for a just transition that helps build environmentally sustainable economies and societies in the face of climate change.