A New Theory to Explain Karakoram Anomaly

Recently, Indian researchers postulated a new theory towards solving the mystery of why few pockets of glaciers in the Karakoram Range are resisting glacial melt due to global warming (the phenomenon is called ‘Karakoram Anomaly’), defying the trend of glaciers losing mass across the globe, with the Himalayas being no exception.

  • They attributed this phenomenon to recent revival of western disturbance.

Karakoram Anomaly

  • Himalayan glaciers are fast receding under the impact of global warming, and stifling stress on the water resources is inevitable in the coming decades. In contrast, the glaciers of central Karakoram have surprisingly remained unchanged or slightly increased in the last few decades. This phenomenon is called Karakoram Anomaly.
  • This is peculiar because the behaviour seems to be confined to a very small region, with only Kunlun ranges being another example of showing similar trends in the whole of Himalaya.