BioPharma Mission

The National Biopharma Mission has been approved by the Cabinet for implementation in May 2017 with a total cost US$ 250 million which is co-funded World Bank 50%.

  • This Mission is designed in a manner in which it addresses the key components of the vision outlined in the National Missions like “Make in India” and “Startup India” and also aims to take forward the commitments made by DBT in the National Biotechnology Development Strategy.


  • To enable and nurture an ecosystem for preparing India’s technological and product development capabilities in biopharmaceuticals.
  • Development of product leads that are at advanced stages of the product development lifecycle and relevant to the public health need in vaccine, biosimilar and medical devices & diagnostics.
  • Establishing and strengthening shared infrastructure facilities for product development and validation. These would be for all products being developed.
  • Developing human capital by providing specific trainings to address the critical skills gap across the product development value chain.
  • Creating and enhancing technology transfer and intellectual property management capacities and capabilities.