G 20 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting

Recently, the G20 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting was held virtually. It is one of the ministerial meetings organised as part of the G20 Leaders’ Summit.

Key Highlights

  • A joint declaration- Florence Sustainability Charter- was signed by the participants during the meeting.
  • It will strengthen cooperation between G20 members and developing countries on food and agriculture to share knowledge and help developing the internal production capacities best suited to local needs, thus contributing to the resilience and recovery of agriculture and rural communities.
  • The members reaffirmed their intention to reach the goal of zero hunger, which is also threatened by the consequences of Covid-19.
  • They also reaffirmed the commitment to achieve food security in the framework of the three dimensions of sustainability: economic, social and environmental.

About G20

  • It is an informal group of 19 countries and the European Union, with representatives of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
  • Founded in 1999, it aims to discuss policy pertaining to the promotion of international financial stability.
  • Members: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, India, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union.
  • In 1999, in the wake of the 1997 economic crisis, the G7 Finance Ministers announced the creation of the “Group of 20”, aimed at including other countries in their discussions related to global economics and finance.
  • The G20 does not have a permanent secretariat; its agenda and activities are established by the rotating Presidencies, in cooperation with the membership. G20 members represent 85% of the global GDP, two thirds of the world population and about 75% of international trade.