UNHRC Resolution on Israel Human Right Violation on Palestine

A resolution titled “Ensuring respect for international human rights law and humanitarian law in Occupied Palestinian Territory including East Jerusalem and in Israel” passed at UNHRC which was presented by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Palestinian delegation.

Key Points

  • The passing of the resolution led to the setting up of an independent commission of inquiry to investigate violation of international law by Israel during the Israel-Hamas conflict.
  • The UNHRC resolution also mandates the Commission of Inquiry to look into all underlying root causes of recurrent tensions, instability and protraction of conflict, including systematic discrimination and repression based on national, ethnic, racial or religious identity.

India’s Position

  • India was among the 14 countries including Brazil, France, Italy and Nepal that abstained during the UNHRC vote.
  • India retained the usual support for a two-state solution to be achieved through direct negotiations to ensure lasting peace between the people of Israel and Palestine.
  • Current decisions are based on a mature understanding and evaluation of the Israel-Palestine issues and New Delhi is following the same approach now.