Working Group on Migration (2017)

The primary objective of this Group was to look at the architecture of laws and schemes at the federal and state levels ensuring that there are no barriers to free voluntary movement of people across the country.

The observations of the committee were as following:

  • There is portable but nascent social protection architecture to make services like PDS, health insurance and school education accessible to migrants. As per SECC 2011, the rise in urban to urban migration for work was recorded.
  • There is substantial growth of family related migration.

The committee’s important recommendations were as follows:

  • First, it stresses on need for intra-government and inter-government coordination to deliver services like PDS, health insurance, school education etc. relying on mechanisms of integration, portability and convergence.
  • Second, the policy makers must be sensitive to the possibility that there might be entry barriers for rural migrants due to rise in urban to urban migration.
The recommendations and observations of the policy must be taken into consideration while framing schemes to counter migration related issues.