UN General Assembly Endorses Palestinian Membership Bid

  • 11 May 2024

On 10th May 2024, the United Nations General Assembly endorsed Palestine's bid for full UN membership, advocating for Security Council review, amid global tensions.

Key Points:

  • UN Assembly Support: The General Assembly votes 143-9 in favor of recognizing Palestine as qualified for full UN membership, a move thwarted by US veto last month.
  • Limited Membership Status: While not granting full UN membership, the resolution recognizes Palestine's eligibility and urges Security Council reevaluation.
  • Palestinian Push: The bid for full UN membership coincided with heightened tensions, including recent conflict with Hamas and Israeli settlement expansions.
  • Diplomatic Appeals: Palestinian Ambassador stressed the vote's significance for peace and freedom, emphasizing an investment in peaceful coexistence.
  • US Opposition: US Ambassador criticized the vote, accusing the Assembly of disregarding peace principles, with implications for US funding to UN institutions.
  • Two-State Solution Advocacy: Palestinian mission highlights the resolution as vital for preserving the two-state solution, reinforcing Palestinian rights and self-determination.
  • Congressional Response: US Republican senators introduced a bill to tighten restrictions on funding entities supporting Palestinian rights and privileges, unlikely to pass the Senate.