Green Energy Corridor Project

A Green Energy Corridor Project for evacuation of renewable energy from generation points to the load center by creating intra-state and inter-state transmission infrastructure, it is under implementation in renewable resource rich states for the likely renewable power capacity addition during 12th Five Year Plan period (still continue in process even after end of 12th FYP).

  • Two green corridor transmission networks are proposed under the project. Firstly, construction of the inter-state transmission network for connecting renewable energy-rich states under Green Corridor-I will be completed.
  • Besides, a Green Corridor-II for solar parks is also started which is connecting solar parks in different states including Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan and Gujarat.
  • The first phase of the programme is designed to support 33 GW of solar and wind power, while the second phase will link 22 GW capacity.
  • Germany, who has expertise in making smart grids that integrate renewable energy into national grid, will be assisting India in this project. Germany has promised provide developmental and technical assistance of €1 billion for the project.