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Toppers Interview

Saquia Kausar
Jharkhand Judicial Services Examination- 2019
An Exclusive Interview

C.S.C.: Achieving top slot in the Judicial Services Examination is no small feet; accept our heartiest congratulations on your splendid success.

Saquia: Thank you!

C.S.C.: Can you recall the exact moment when you realized the importance of Judicial Services?

Saquia: When I was pursuing LL.B, one of my Seniors Cracked Judiciary, at that time I determined my mind towards judiciary.

C.S.C.: Finally, at what point of time did you make up your mind to make career in ‘Judicial Services’?

Saquia: While pursuing my LL.B.

C.S.C.: You must have read Toppers interviews in newspapers/magazines; what inspired you the most? Any particular success story which influenced your journey to this result?

Saquia: Selection of my seniors inspired me the most.

C.S.C.: Was JSE a planned decision or your parents’ wish? Did you keep in mind some time frame, for the examination preparation and number of attempts?

Saquia: Yes! They always wished that I should go for Judicial Services. As my father is an Advocate so he always wished that I should join judiciary.

C.S.C.: Describe the exact moment when you came to know about the importance of Judicial Services?

Saquia: When I visited court with my father and I saw the fame in which the J.M. go through.

C.S.C.: About Interview Boards, many candidates have set impressions. Do you consider such thoughts help or hinder one’s performance in Interview?

Saquia: The only quality which one should keep in mind is self confidence and way of self presentation.

C.S.C.: What was your first step when you were really serious about making a career in Judicial Services?

Saquia: Joining of Ambition Law Institute.

C.S.C.: Were you confident of your success in this examination and how did you react to this news of your success?

Saquia: It was amazing.

C.S.C.: In how many attempts have you achieved this success? How do you visualize your preparation/previous attempts?

Saquia: This was my fourth Interview.

C.S.C.: Were you preparing for other career opportunities as well while preparing for your ultimate goal i.e. Career in Judicial Services?

Saquia: No, only full time in preparation.

C.S.C.: While the changing economic environment offers immense lucrative career opportunities in various sectors, still what kept you motivated towards Judicial Services?

Saquia: My family support.

C.S.C.: What's important and what's not? Share your thoughts and opinions.

Saquia: Practice is very important.

C.S.C.: 'Time Management’ - is a key factor while making preparations as well as in writing examination papers. Did you come across such a problem during this period? If yes, then how did you manage things?

Saquia: Time Management is very important and regular studies also.

C.S.C.: Was Judicial Services Examinations a planned thing for you? Had you thought of some time frame for this examination?

Saquia: Yes it was the only thing for which I was devoted.

C.S.C.: List some of the Magazines, Newspapers, Books etc. which you read for 'General Studies’ preparation.

Saquia: Civil Service Chronicle Magazine, Ghatna Chakra & Lucent and The Hindu newspapers.

C.S.C.: How did you prepare yourself for Interview? When and which Board did you face? How did your interview go on, how much time it lasted and what were the questions asked during the Interview?

Saquia: Board 1. Ambition interview guidance programme, it was lasted for 15 minutes.

C.S.C.: Does the educational, financial and demographic status of the family of an aspirant have any impact on the preparation?

Saquia: Financial support and support in every aspect is very important.

C.S.C.: According to a recent report published by reputed survey agency, Civil Service Chronicle is the largest read Career & Competition magazine. What is your opinion?

Saquia: Yes, Civil Service Chronicle is very helpful.

C.S.C.: What is the secret of your success?

Saquia: Regular Studies, Time Management.

C.S.C.: To whom would you like to give the credit for your success?

Saquia: My parents, friends and Ambition Law Institute.

C.S.C.: Your favourite person.

Saquia: My parents.

C.S.C.: Your Strong Point

Saquia: My family support.

C.S.C.: Your Hobbies.

Saquia: Reading & Travelling

C.S.C.: Any suggestion/advice you would like to give to the future aspirants.

Saquia: Never loose hope.

Thank You very much and wishing you all the best for your future endeavors.

B I O - D A T A


FATHER'S NAME : Woshaque Ahmad Khan

MOTHER'S NAME : Naseema Khanam


Exam During Years University/Board College/School %age of Marks

LL.B. 2015 B.H.U. Law School 73%

12th 2008 CBSE NSDAV 70%

10th 2006 CBSE NSDAV 72%

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