Daily Current Affairs
Daily Current Affairs for UPSC, State PSCs, SSC, NDA, CDS, Bank, Railway, Police and other upcoming Govt. exams. In this section we provide latest & updated Current Affairs in the following categories: Current News, News Crux, Oneliner Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs Quiz , Sports in News, State in News. All these sections’ news are important for Prelims & Mains stages of examinations like UPSC, State PSCs, SSC, Bank, NDA, CDS, Railway, Police, etc. and other similar Central and State govt. exams.
What advanced authentication technology is being introduced for the distribution of Take Home Ration? -- Facial recognition technology |
Which specific city is included in the initial implementation phase of the new ration delivery system? -- Ranchi |
What institution will be established in Mumbai to advance the fields of Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming, Comics, and Extended Reality? -- National Centre of Excellence |
Which bilateral agreement is India requesting to review with Pakistan, concerning water-sharing arrangements? -- Indus Waters Treaty |
How many countries abstained from the United Nations General Assembly resolution urging Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territories? -- Forty-Three |
Which Indian institution unveiled the 'Integrated Ocean Energy Atlas'? -- INCOIS |
What new medical device was recently developed by IIT Madras for sports injury diagnosis? -- POCUS |
What is the name of the new fellowship program launched by BlueKraft Digital Foundation? -- Viksit Bharat Fellowship Programe |
Who was appointed as the new Director General of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB)? -- Anurag Garg |
What new system will FSSAI launch to track and prevent rejected food imports? -- Food Import Rejection Alert |