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Toppers Interview

15th Rank In Uttarakhand Judicial Services Examination - 2020
An Exclusive Interview with

CSC: Achieving top slot in the Judicial Services Examination is no small feat; accept our heartiest congratulations on your splendid success.

Ishank: Thanks a lot.

CSC: Can you recall the exact moment when you realized the importance of Judicial Services?

Ishank: Since childhood I was inspired from my father as he was also posted as Civil Judge (JD) at U.P.

CSC: You must have read Toppers’ interviews in newspapers/magazines; what inspired you the most? Any particular success story which influenced your journey to this result?

Ishank: I was inspired from one of the aspirant of Judicial Examination and my colleague from Ambition Law Institute. Alok Sir always encouraged me a lot to achieve what I always aspired.

CSC: Was JSE a planned decision or your parent’s wish? Did you keep in mind some time frame for the examination preparation and number of attempts?

Ishank: Both. No, as such there was no time frame, rather I enjoyed the time while I was preparing for Judiciary.

CSC: About Interview Boards, many candidates have set impressions. How do you see such thoughts – whether they help or hinder one’s performance in Interview?

Ishank: These are unnecessary; be honest with your interviewers.

CSC: What was your first step when you were really serious about making a career in Judicial Services?

Ishank: In 2016, I appeared for my first Examination for U.P. Judiciary and when my Preliminary Examination got cleared, I became more serious about Mains Examination and further process.

CSC: Were you confident of your success in this examination and how did you react to this news of your success?

Ishank: I was confident because I have guidance from my father and also from Alok Sir (Director of Ambition Law Institute), so I followed their pattern and lead on.

CSC: In how many attempts have you achieved this success? How do you visualise your preparation/previous attempts?

Ishank: In Uttarakhand Judicial Services Examination, this was my 2nd attempt.

CSC: Were you preparing for other career opportunities as well while preparing for your ultimate goal i.e., career in Judicial Services?

Ishank: No, I only set my goal for Judiciary.

CSC: While the changing economic environment offers immense lucrative career opportunities in various sectors, still what kept you motivated towards Judicial Services?

Ishank: As I mentioned earlier, only thing that motivated me to go for Judiciary is my parents’ wishes and my respect for the work of Judiciary.

CSC: 'Time Management' is a key factor while preparing as well as in writing the examination. Did you come across such a problem during this period? If yes, then how did you manage things?

Ishank: I had set my time limit to complete every question within 2 to 3 minutes.

CSC: List some of the Magazines, Newspapers, Books, etc. which you read for 'General Studies’ preparation.

Ishank: Civil Services Chronicle (English) and The Hindu Newspaper.

CSC: How did you prepare yourself for Interview? When and which Board did you face? How did your interview go on, how much time it lasted and what were the questions asked during the Interview?

Ishank: Preparation for Preliminary Examination will help you till last stage so be in continuance of your Prelims preparation. My Interview lasted for 15-17 minutes.

CSC: What is the importance of medium of examination for exams like JSE?

Ishank: It doesn't matter what medium you choose.

CSC: Does the educational, financial and demographic status of the family of an aspirant have any impact on the preparation?

Ishank: Yes, it matters a lot.

CSC: To whom would you like to give the credit for your success?

Ishank: At first to almighty God, then my parents and then Ambition Law Institute and Alok Sir.

CSC: What are your Hobbies?

Ishank: Sports, collection of recent case laws and reading law digests like SCC weekly.

CSC: Any suggestion/advice you would like to give to the future aspirants.

Ishank: Read Bare Acts properly and solve as many questions as you can.

CSC: Thank you very much and wishing you all the best for your future endeavours.

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