DAKSHIN: A Global Centre for Excellence

  • 20 Nov 2023

On 17th Nov, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated DAKSHIN, a global centre for excellence catering to countries of the Global South. The initiative was proposed during the First Voice of Global South Summit in January.

Key Points

  • Global South's Voice: Emphasizing the newfound voice of the Global South, PM highlighted its geographical existence and the joint efforts that have brought it to the forefront.
  • Technology and Global South: PM stressed responsible technology use, ensuring it doesn't widen the gap between the Global North and Global South. India will organize the AI Global Partnership Summit next month to further this agenda.
  • G20 and Global South Priorities: During India's G20 presidency, over 200 meetings prioritized Global South concerns, leading to their inclusion in the New Delhi G20 Declaration. PM Modi underscored making the G20 "inclusive and human-centric."
  • Condemnation of Terrorism: India condemned the October 7 terrorist attack in Israel, advocating for restraint, dialogue, and diplomacy. Humanitarian aid was sent to Palestine, emphasizing unity for global well-being.
  • Second Voice of Global South Summit: The virtual summit, focusing on G20 outcomes during India's presidency, addresses global challenges and aims to sustain momentum for a more inclusive world order.
  • Summit Structure: The summit comprises ten sessions, including inaugural and concluding sessions hosted by PM Modi, discussing growth, trust, and the united future of the Global South.

Global South: Evolution, Significance and Challenges


  • The Global South refers to countries categorized as developing, less developed, or underdeveloped, primarily situated in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
  • These nations often face higher levels of poverty, income inequality, and challenging living conditions compared to wealthier Global North nations in North America, Europe, and Oceania.

From "Third World" to "Global South":

  • Coined in 1969 by Carl Oglesby, the term gained traction after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, marking the end of the "Second World."
  • Previously termed the "Third World" by Alfred Sauvy in 1952, negative stereotypes led to the adoption of the more neutral "Global South."

Geopolitical and Economic Commonalities:

  • The Global South is not strictly defined geographically but signifies political, geopolitical, and economic similarities among nations.
  • Many countries share a history of Imperialism and Colonial Rule, particularly evident in African nations, shaping perspectives on the global political economy.

Significance of Global South Today:

  • Shifting Economic and Political Power:
    • Wealth shift acknowledged by the World Bank challenges traditional notions of economic power distribution.
    • Projections indicate Global South countries leading in the four largest economies by 2030, with China and India at the forefront.
    • BRICS nations' combined GDP surpasses that of the G-7 nations.
  • Impact on Geopolitics:
    • Growing economic and political power has implications for global geopolitics.
    • Asian nations play a significant role in the projected "Asian Century," challenging historical Global North dominance.

Challenges to Global South Development:

  • Green Energy Fund: Global North neglects funding green energy, impacting less emitting, developing countries disproportionately.
  • Russia-Ukraine War Impact: Severely affects least developed countries, exacerbating concerns related to food, energy, and finance.
  • China’s Interference: China's Belt and Road Initiative raises questions about being a win-win or solely benefiting China.
  • US Hegemony: Despite a multipolar world, the US maintains dominance in international affairs, impacting global financial markets.
  • Inadequate Access to Resources: Historical North-South divergences persist, with major gaps in access to crucial developmental resources.
  • Impact of Covid-19: Pandemic exacerbates existing divides, revealing vulnerabilities in economies from Argentina to Sri Lanka.

Initiatives of India for Global South:

  • Global South Centre of Excellence: Research development solutions and best practices for implementation in developing countries.
  • Global South Science and Technology Initiative: Share Indian expertise in space technology and nuclear energy.
  • Aarogya Maitri Project: Provide essential medical supplies to developing countries affected by natural disasters or humanitarian crises.
  • Global South Young Diplomats Forum: Connect young officers of foreign ministries.
  • Global South Scholarships: Provide higher education opportunities in India for students from developing countries.