India Secures Highest Votes, Re-elected to IMO Council for 2024–25 Biennium

  • 04 Dec 2023

On 1st Dec, India was re-elected to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Council with the highest votes during the assembly elections for the 2024–25 biennium.

Key Points

  • Category of Interest: India falls under the Category of 10 states with "the largest interest in international seaborne trade," alongside prominent maritime nations.
  • Term Duration: The Council's term will span the biennium 2024-25.
  • Proud Achievement: India maintains a proud and unbroken record in category B, showcasing continuous service at IMO.
  • Global Maritime Support: India secured large-scale support from the international community, allowing it to continue serving the global maritime domain.
  • IMO's Authority: The IMO is the leading authority regulating the maritime industry, crucial for global trade, transportation, and marine operations.
  • Council's Role: The council, as IMO's executive organ, supervises the organization's work and performs assembly functions between sessions, excluding recommendations to governments on maritime safety and pollution prevention.
  • Enhanced Representation: Under MIV 2030, India aims to appoint permanent representatives at IMO London for better representation.
  • JPO Program: Proposes nominating at least 2 qualified candidates for the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Program, contributing to international cooperation.
  • Strategic Goals: Amrik Kaal Vision 2047 outlines initiatives to strengthen India's global maritime presence, including a dedicated IMO cell in India, permanent representative at IMO headquarters, London, and implementing BIMSTEC Master Plan.
  • Regional Coordination: Emphasis on creating a robust BIMSTEC institutional structure for coordinated and timely implementation of regional projects.