New Delhi Declaration on AI Governance Adopted at GPAI Summit

  • 14 Dec 2023

On 13th December, 2023, 29 member nations of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) unanimously adopted the New Delhi declaration during the GPAI Summit.

  • The declaration emphasizes positioning GPAI at the forefront of AI innovation, fostering collaboration among partner nations

Key Points

  • Themes of the Declaration: ‘Collaborative AI and Innovation’
  • Aim: The aim is to leverage AI applications in crucial sectors such as healthcare and agriculture for the collective benefit of nations and their populations.
  • Governance Framework: GPAI commits to playing a central role in shaping the future of AI governance.
  • Robust Governance Framework: Addressing concerns related to misinformation, unemployment, transparency, fairness, intellectual property, personal data protection, and threats to human rights, the declaration underscores the need for a robust governance framework.
  • Inclusion and Global Reach: The GPAI movement pledges to include nations from the global south, ensuring that the benefits of AI and its solutions are accessible to people worldwide.
  • The commitment to global inclusion reflects the aspiration to democratize the advantages of AI technologies.
  • Future Plans and Principles: Over the upcoming months, a task force or smaller group within GPAI will establish broad principles.
  • A midterm GPAI session will subsequently discuss these principles and guardrails, contributing to the adaptive and inclusive nature of GPAI in navigating the rapidly changing AI landscape.