Discovery of Eighth-Century Kotravai Sculpture

  • 17 Feb 2024

A team of archaeological researchers recently uncovered an ancient Kotravai sculpture dating back to the eighth century near Ulundurpet. This sheds light on Pallava period artistry.

Key Points

  • Artefact Inspection: Archaeologist team confirm the sculpture's age of 1,200 years and its usage for worship after inspecting it in Pilrampattu village.
  • Artistic Features: The sculpture, carved in a slab stone, stands five feet tall and four feet wide, showcasing intricate details of local artistic style and various ornaments.
  • Symbolism: Kotravai is depicted with eight hands, holding symbolic elements like chakkara, sword, bell, and conch, along with unique features such as a crown and batrakundalams.
  • Distinctive Crown: It highlights the uniqueness of the sculpture's crown compared to other Kotravai sculptures from the same period, emphasizing its individual artistic style.
  • Symbolic Depictions: The sculpture portrays Kotravai standing on the head of a buffalo, accompanied by two guards on each side, along with other symbolic elements like trishul and lion.