Stakeholder Consultation on Safety Pledge for E-commerce Platforms

  • 21 Nov 2023

On 16th Nov, the Department of Consumer Affairs organized a stakeholder consultation to develop a 'Safety Pledge' for e-commerce platforms, with the goal of ensuring the sale of goods that meet safety standards on all platforms operating in India.

Key Points

  • Pledge Objective: The Safety Pledge aims to elevate the standards of goods available on e-commerce platforms, emphasizing safety for consumers and requiring platforms to take measures preventing the sale of unsafe products.
  • Broad Principles of Pledge:
    • Commitment to Prevent Unsafe Goods: The pledge includes a commitment to prevent the sale of unsafe goods through proactive measures.
    • Awareness Building: Platforms are expected to increase awareness among consumers and sellers regarding the importance of product safety.
    • Cooperation with Regulators: E-commerce platforms are encouraged to cooperate with regulators to ensure the effectiveness of safety measures.
  • Committee Formation: A committee has been formed to prepare the pledge, comprising major e-commerce platforms, industry associations, National Law Universities, and voluntary consumer associations.
  • Consumer Protection Act, 2019: The meeting highlighted the significance of consumer safety under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, including the right to be protected against hazardous goods. The Act empowers consumer commissions to direct entities not to offer unsafe goods for sale.
  • International Collaboration: The Department collaborates with the European Commission to adopt international best practices in preventing the sale of unsafe goods on online platforms.
  • Voluntary Commitment: The Safety Pledge is a voluntary commitment by online platforms to enhance consumer protection from the risks associated with purchasing unsafe products online.
  • Proposed Principles of the Safety Pledge:
    • Detection and Prevention: Platforms commit to detecting and preventing the sale of unsafe products.
    • Cooperation with Authorities: Cooperation with statutory authorities responsible for product safety is emphasized.
    • Consumer Awareness: Platforms aim to raise consumer awareness about product safety among third-party sellers and empower consumers on safety issues.