India's ART-CI Inaugurated

  • 16 Mar 2024

On 12th March, India inaugurated the first phase of the Atmospheric Research Testbed in Central India (ART-CI) in Madhya Pradesh.

Key Points

  • Facilitating Monsoon Study: ART-CI, funded by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, aims to study crucial cloud processes during the monsoon season in central India.
  • Understanding Monsoon Dynamics: The facility will conduct ground-based and in-situ observations to generate data for improving weather models and rainfall predictions.
  • Advanced Research Facility: Equipped with high-end meteorological instruments, the ART-CI will play a vital role in calibrating satellite observations and validating weather forecasts.
  • Significance of Central India: Central India serves as a natural laboratory for studying monsoon dynamics, providing insights into rainfall patterns and associated synoptic systems.
  • Key Instruments at ART-CI: The facility boasts advanced instruments such as radars, ceilometers, and rain gauges to monitor cloud physics, precipitation, and atmospheric parameters.
  • Role in Climate Research: ART-CI will aid in understanding climate change impacts on monsoon variability and improving forecast accuracy, benefiting agricultural planning.