Triple-Star System's Violent Merger Unveiled

  • 12 Apr 2024

On 11th April 2024, the European Southern Observatory announced the discovery of HD 148937, where two stars merged violently, altering the system's fate forever.

Key Points

  • Rare Nebula Surrounds Massive Stars: The system, located 3,800 light-years away, boasts two massive stars enveloped in a youthful, vibrant nebula, defying astronomical norms.
  • Youthful Star Raises Eyebrows: Detailed analysis reveals one star to be significantly younger, by at least 1.5 million years, than its counterpart, challenging stellar formation theories.
  • Clues in Nebula Composition: Surprisingly, the nebula contains abundant nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen, typically found inside stars, hinting at a violent event expelling these elements.
  • Cosmic Dance of Three Stars: Originally a triple-star system, the merger occurred when two inner stars collided, forming a magnetic star and ejecting material to create the nebula.