Ukraine Mobilisation Bill: Key Changes Overview

  • 12 Apr 2024

On 11th April 2024, Ukraine's parliament approved a bill to revamp army mobilisation rules amid ongoing conflict with Russian forces.

Key Points

  • Military Records Update: Ukrainian men aged 18-60 must update personal data with military authorities for better draft organization, with mandatory carrying of registration documents.
  • Watered-Down Punishments: Proposed harsh penalties for draft dodgers, such as asset freezes, are omitted; driving bans implemented instead. Separate bill for fines on draft dodgers advances.
  • Demobilization Uncertainty: No set time limit for wartime service; soldiers lack clarity on demobilization. Initial draft proposed time limits, now excluded from the bill.
  • Military Registration Abroad: Proposal for tracking Ukrainian men abroad introduced, but implementation details pending government decision; consular services linked to military registration documents.
  • Perks for Volunteer Fighters: Financial incentives, including vehicle purchase certificates and mortgage payment aid, offered to army volunteers signing contracts.
  • Abolition of Mandatory Conscription: Conscription replaced with basic military training starting September 2025; provision allowing convicts with suspended sentences to serve in the army included.
  • Compulsory Training and Vehicle Seizures: Mobilized men undergo mandatory training before deployment; authorities empowered to seize vehicles for army use in certain cases.