World Cybercrime Index Reveals Top Hubs of Cybercriminal Activity

  • 15 Apr 2024

On 10th April 2024, researchers developed new index highlighting major contributors to global cybercrime, with China, Russia, Ukraine, the US, Romania, and Nigeria among top-ranked countries.

Key Points

  • Magnitude of Cybercrime: Global cybercrime costs estimated at $9.22 trillion in 2024, projected to reach $13.82 trillion by 2028, posing significant challenges for cybersecurity efforts.
  • Methodology: Researchers from leading institutions conducted a survey among 92 cybercrime experts worldwide to identify major hubs and categories of cybercrime.
  • Survey Findings: Top-ranking countries for various cybercrime categories include China, Russia, Ukraine, the US, Romania, and Nigeria, highlighting concentrated sources of cyber threats.
  • India's Position: India secured the 10th spot in the index, scoring 7.05 overall, with notable impact, professionalism, and technical skills, comparable to China and the US.
  • Specialized Cybercrimes: Certain countries are associated with specific cybercrime categories, such as the US with data and identity theft, and China with technical products or services-related crimes.
  • Future Implications: The index aids cybercrime research by identifying key countries for targeted preventive efforts, enhancing global cybersecurity strategies.
  • Limitations: Study acknowledges limitations, including a small pool of experts and potential interpretational biases, underscoring the need for further research and data refinement.