AI-Powered Acoustic Side Channel Attacks Can Decode Passwords from Keystrokes

  • 22 Aug 2023

A recent research paper revealed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can decode passwords by analyzing the sound of keystrokes, highlighting the accuracy of Acoustic Side Channel Attacks (ASCA) when using advanced deep learning models.

Key Points

  • Understanding ASCA: Acoustic Side Channel Attacks (ASCA) exploit the sounds produced by a keyboard to analyze keystrokes and decipher sensitive information being typed.
  • These attacks use sound as a side channel to compromise security.
  • ASCA Explained: ASCA attacks have been around since the 1950s when acoustic emanations from encryption devices were used for security breaches.
  • Dangers from Sound: They leverage sounds emitted by devices, such as keyboard clicks, to gather information and compromise security.
  • ASCA's Resurgence with AI: While ASCA attacks have been known, the growing use of AI and deep learning models has made them more potent.
  • Modern technology has increased the number of microphones in proximity to keyboards, making it easier to collect and analyze acoustic data.
  • Protecting Against ASCAs: While there's no foolproof defense against ASCAs, users can take steps to reduce risks.
  • Using touch-based typing can make it harder for threat actors to recognize keystrokes.
  • Changing typing styles and creating complex passwords with a mix of upper and lower-case letters can also thwart ASCAs.
  • Avoiding easily predictable phrases further increases security.