NASA Launches Spacecraft to Explore Solar System's Largest Metallic Object

  • 16 Oct 2023

On 13th Oct, NASA initiated the launch of a spacecraft to Psyche, a remote metal-rich asteroid that represents the solar system's largest-known metallic entity, believed to be the ancient protoplanet's remnant core.

Key Points

  • Distant Journey: The spacecraft is embarking on a voyage spanning 2.2 billion miles (3.5 billion km) through space.
  • Ion Thruster Power: The spacecraft relies on a novel solar-electric ion thruster propulsion system, propelling it to its destination.
  • A Small Van in Space: The spacecraft, comparable in size to a small van, will reach the outer asteroid belt region between Mars and Jupiter in approximately six years.
  • Orbiting the Asteroid: Psyche's primary mission is to orbit Psyche, an immense asteroid with a width of around 279 kilometers (173 miles).
  • Scientific Exploration: During its 26-month mission, the spacecraft will employ specialized instruments to investigate the asteroid's gravitational, magnetic characteristics, and composition.
  • Ancient Origin: Scientists theorize that Psyche may have constituted the molten core of a young planet that congealed and fragmented due to early solar system collisions.
  • Remote Location: Psyche orbits the sun at a distance approximately three times farther from Earth, even at its closest proximity.
  • Valuable Composition: Psyche is believed to consist predominantly of precious metals such as iron, nickel, and gold, with an estimated total worth of 10 quadrillion dollars.
  • Scientific Inquiry: The mission's primary objective is not asteroid mining but rather understanding the formation of Earth and other rocky planets, which developed around molten metal cores.