Current Affairs - Points to Ponder for GS Mains
Real Money Gaming Platforms and Betting Advertisements
What are the recent regulatory actions taken by the Indian government regarding real money gaming platforms and betting advertisements, and how will they impact the gaming and gambling industries in India?
Read the following for the above topic:
- Amendment to IT Rules, 2021 in relation to online gaming.
- Constitutional and legal provisions.
- Status of real money gaming platforms and betting advertisements in other countries.
- Study about self-regulatory body (SRB) mechanism which will determine whether or not the game is "permissible.”
Gender Justice through Economic Independence and Political Representation
Despite several policy interventions and increasing participation of women in various sectors like education, employment, etc. progress towards realising the goals of gender justice through economic independence and political representation of women remains slow. Explain the reasons for the same.
Read the following for the above topic:
- Constitutional and legal provisions and policy measures for increasing women's participation in various walks of life.
- The stumbling blocks to effective women's participation directed at economic independence and political representation.
- The mind set of patriarchal society, people's representatives and policy makers.
Economic Prowess and a Supportive International Environment
Recently, India celebrated her 75th year of Independence. In 2000, India targeted in its first NSAB report to become a world power in the 21st century. The country has become an aspirational power. Explain how economic prowess and a supportive international environment would be conducive to India‘s progress.
Read the following for the above topic:
- Geopolitical and economic challenges India faces currently and is expected to face in future.
- How India's strong foundation and a conducive international environment are contributing to India's steady rise as a major power.
- The emergence of globally competitive Indian firms and professionals who are redefining India's economic contours.
- Despite a slew of policy interventions aimed at jumpstarting growth, why there is no evidence yet that the economy is on track to achieve the targeted growth.
Capitalism and Patriarchy
How do capitalism and patriarchy work together to deny equality of status to women?
Read the following for the above topic:
- India had been at the forefront of gender budgeting more than a decade ago. However, over the years, it has slowly lost the gains made. The reasons for this turnaround are manifold.
- Patriarchal social conditioning and capitalism together have created an unjust, unequal, and exploitative relationship between men and women, severely hampering women’s social empowerment.
The ‘Modernisation’ of Ayurveda
What can India do for the modernization of Ayurveda?
Read the following for the above topic:
- Institutionalization of Ayurvedic training.
- Pharmaceuticalisation of drug production.
- Professionalisation of medical practice as well as biomedicalisation.
- Creolisation of Ayurvedic knowledge and therapeutics.
- There is a need to study various traditional medical practices prevalent in different regions so that the system can make a significant contribution.
- Indian traditions related to medicine have distinct regional and socio-cultural histories which have produced distinct regional Ayurvedic practices.
Vulnerability of Small and Marginal Farmers
Climate change poses the greatest threat to Indian agriculture. It increases the vulnerability of the small and marginal farmers.
Read the following for the above topic:
- How to improve agricultural productivity sustainably so that it boosts farm income.
- Effective policy measures to ensure that improved agricultural productivity translates into improved food and nutritional security.
- Steps needed to ensure effective natural resource management, community development and assistance through technology and trans-boundary agreements.
- Existing plans & policies of the government for social inclusion, skill improvement and employment opportunities in the agriculture sector.
- India’s progress in the areas of crop production, livestock, fisheries and food security.
Climate Change Adaptation
Facts in Brief
- Recently tropical cyclones Tauktae and Yaas hit the Indian coastline. In recent years, many tropical cyclones originated from Arabian Sea. As per the government of India, the sea level is rising at a rate of 1.7 mm a year on average. India has a vast coastline of 8118 km.
- Sunderban is the world’s largest contiguous mangrove forest with about 40 % of its 10,200 sq. km area under Indian territory. The vulnerability of Sunderban to extreme weather events, including tropical cyclones, poses a serious threat to islands like Mousuni and Ghoramara.
Read the following for the above topic:
- World Bank report 2020.
- National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change.
- Initiatives of the government for the vulnerable islands of Mousuni and Ghoramara.
- Reasons behind Arabian Sea tropical cyclones and initiatives taken by government, especially in the technology domain and with respect to association with stakeholders.
India-EU Leaders’ Meeting
Recently India-EU Leaders’ Meeting was held in which the Heads of State of all 27 Member States were present. Both the parties agreed on resuming negotiations for balanced and comprehensive free trade and investment agreement and India-EU Connectivity Partnership.
Read the following for the above topic:
- Trade and connectivity issues between India and EU.
- Why is the EU keen on a comprehensive trade agreement when India is in favour of a limited trade partnership?
- Why did the India-EU dialogue fail after many rounds of discussion in 2013?
- India-EU comprehensive trade agreement- compulsions for both parties in the present scenario.
- What are the provisions and challenges of balanced and comprehensive free trade and investment agreement and the India-EU Connectivity Partnership?
Central Vista Project (CVP) Controversy
Recently an issue surfaced in which it was said that the right to life under Article 21 is more important than any other development. It questioned the Government of India’s investment in the Central Vista Project (CVP) during the ongoing pandemic.
Facts in Brief
- Total estimated cost of the CVP is Rs. 20,000 crore, to be completed by 2026. The cost of the first phase of CVP is Rs. 1339 crore. The move is being opposed, saying the govt. is compromising the financial resources available under healthcare funds to CVP.
- During the second wave of COVID-19, India struggled for getting medical supplies, shortage of oxygen, medicines and medical personnel and not scarcity of financial resources.
Read the following for the above topic:
- Read how infrastructure development for public services serves national interest, boosts economic development and security. It is crucial as is the right to life.
- All relevant judgments and issues regarding the environment, economy, cultural heritage, etc.
State of Indian Economy
India’s GDP for 2020-21 shrank by 7.3%. India needs an economic booster in the form of a stimulus package to significantly improve consumption, investment and job creation.
Read the following for the above topic:
- Read about the government’s initiatives to boost consumption, investment and job creation.
- Discuss the fundamental features of Indian economy and elaborate on the role played by the core, primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy in economic development.
- Suggest changes/measures that could be undertaken in the Indian economy and economic policies to ensure robust economic development.