Scotland Drops 2030 Emissions Target

  • 19 Apr 2024

On 17th April 2024, Scotland scraps its 2030 emissions target, citing limitations imposed by the central British government, while affirming its commitment to achieving net zero by 2045.

Key Points

  • Abandonment of 2030 Target: Scotland drops its target of reducing climate-damaging emissions by 75% by 2030, acknowledging it as unachievable due to constraints from the central British government.
  • Response to CCC Report: The decision follows a critical report by the Climate Change Committee (CCC), stating Scotland's inability to meet the 2030 target, thereby questioning its credibility.
  • Factors Behind Decision: Scotland cites cuts to capital funding from the British government and a weakening of climate ambition by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as reasons for the decision.
  • Commitment to Net Zero: Despite abandoning the 2030 target, Scotland reiterates its commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2045, emphasizing an unwavering dedication to long-term climate goals.
  • Reactions from Campaign Groups: Oxfam Scotland condemns the decision as a "reprehensible retreat," while CCC expresses disappointment, stressing the importance of interim targets for credibility.
  • Political Context: Scotland's move contrasts with the British government's decision to delay climate targets, reflecting divergent approaches and priorities in addressing emissions reduction.
  • Ambitious Targets: Scotland's remaining 2045 net zero target exceeds the 2050 target set by the British government, showcasing its commitment to ambitious climate action despite setbacks.