Central Water Commission Launches 'FloodWatch' App for Flood Forecasting

  • 20 Aug 2023

On 17th August, 2023, the Central Water Commission (CWC) unveiled the 'FloodWatch' app, capable of predicting the likelihood of floods one day in advance and offering a seven-day advisory on flood possibilities at various monitoring stations across India.

Key Points:

  • Visual Indicators for Flood Risk: The app, available on Google's Play Store, features an interactive map of India with colored circles denoting water stations throughout the country.
  • Current Flood Risk Indicators: These circles indicate the current flood risk: green for 'normal,' yellow for 'above normal,' orange for 'severe,' and red for 'extreme.'
  • Detailed Station Information: By clicking on a circle, users can access information such as the current water level at the station, the historical highest level, danger level, and warning level.
  • State-wise and Basin-wide Forecast: The app offers state-wise and basin-wide flood forecasts for up to 24 hours or flood advisories for up to seven days, which can be accessed by selecting specific monitoring stations.
  • Advanced Technology Implementation: 'FloodWatch' leverages advanced technologies, including satellite data analysis, mathematical modeling, and real-time monitoring, to deliver accurate and timely flood forecasts.
  • Response to Recent Weather Challenges: The launch of the app comes in response to recent heavy rains triggering landslides in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
  • Weather Conditions Leading to Challenges: These events were caused by a combination of extratropical storms known as Western Disturbances and monsoon conditions.