MeitY Seeks Public Input on Draft National Strategy for Robotics (NSR)

  • 14 Sep 2023

Recently, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) called for public comments and stakeholder input on the draft "National Strategy for Robotics" (NSR) by October 31.

Key Points:

  • Draft NSR Aims to Elevate India's Robotics Status by 2030: The draft NSR outlines a comprehensive policy framework geared towards making India a global leader in robotics by 2030, aligning with the Make in India 2.0 initiative's goals.
  • Four Core Sectors Identified for Robotics Integration: The draft prioritizes robotics automation in manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, and national security sectors, recognizing their critical importance.
  • Fiscal and Non-Fiscal Interventions to Foster Innovation: The draft proposes financial support and incentives for robotics startups and export promotion, aiming to boost innovation in the field.
  • Creation of Regulatory Framework and Robotics Innovation Unit (RIU): The NSR suggests establishing a robust regulatory framework, led by an independent entity, the Robotics Innovation Unit (RIU), to ensure compliance and oversight.
  • Centres of Excellence (CoEs) for Robotics Research: The proposal includes the establishment of CoEs in both foundational and applied research, encouraging private sector collaboration for prototyping and commercialization.
  • Advisory Support, Higher Education Engagement, and Industrial Zones: The draft outlines plan to provide guidance to startups, leverage research capabilities of universities, and create dedicated robotics industrial zones.
  • Challenges and Import Dependence: The draft highlights challenges like high import dependence, costly hardware components, and limited R&D investments hindering the growth of the robotics ecosystem in India.