India’s National Framework for Climate Services

  • 10 Oct 2023

Recently, India initiated a significant program led by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) to introduce its first-ever national-level framework for providing climate services and information, aimed at managing climate risks across key sectors.

Key Points

  • Basis of NFCS: The NFCS is aligned with the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), established in 2009 during the third World Climate Conference in Geneva.
  • The GFCS collaborates with governments and organizations worldwide to enhance the production and utilization of climate information and services.
  • Functions of NFCS: The NFCS will be tailored to India's specific weather and stakeholder needs, with the IMD as the nodal agency.
  • It will initially focus on bridging gaps between various agencies requiring climate services, including hydrology, power, renewable energy, transport, dams, irrigation, and health.
  • Need for NFCS: The IMD, operating for nearly 150 years, provides accurate weather services but faces gaps in data availability, especially in the Himalayan regions and oceans.
  • The NFCS aims to strengthen data collection and modelling to improve climate predictions and provide tailored climate data for various sectors.
  • Implementation: India joins other nations like Switzerland, China, Germany, and the UK in launching the NFCS.
  • The framework will undergo consultations with key stakeholders before implementation, addressing climate challenges and extreme events.