Social Stock Exchange

  • 02 Mar 2023

On February 22, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has given the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) the green light to establish a Social Stock Exchange (SSE).

  • It is a new segment within the existing stock exchange that helps social enterprises raise funds from the public through its mechanism.
  • The SSE provides a medium for social enterprises to seek finance for their social initiatives and acquire visibility.
  • The SSE offers increased transparency about fund mobilisation and utilisation, providing retail investors with an opportunity to invest in securities offered by for-profit social enterprises under the Main Board.
  • Institutional investors and non-institutional investors can invest in securities issued by SEs in all other cases.

Eligibility to be listed on the SSE:

  • Establish the primacy of social intent
  • Fall under either non-profit organizations (NPO) or for-profit social enterprises (FPSEs)
  • Establish the primacy of social intent
  • Fall under either non-profit organizations (NPO) or for-profit social enterprises (FPSEs)
  • Work towards eradicating hunger, poverty, malnutrition, and inequality; promoting education, employability, equality, empowerment of women and LGBTQIA+ communities; environmental sustainability; protection of national heritage and art; or bridging the digital divide
  • Direct at least 67% of its activities towards achieving the stated objective, as evidenced by either revenue, expenditure, or the target population.

Zero coupon zero principal instrument means an instrument issued by a Not for Profit Organisation (NPO) which will be registered with the social stock exchange segment of a recognised stock exchange