China’s Dragon Man

  • 29 Jun 2021

  • Researchers from China have after studying an ancient human skull (Harbin cranium), described its linkages to be a new human species called the “Dragaon Man” or Homo longi.
  • The name “Dragon Man” has been derived from the Long Jiang or Dragon River in China’ Heilongjiang province where Harbin is located.
  • The cranium could be over 146,000 years old. Because of the distinctive shape of the skull, some team members have suggested that it be declared a part of a new species of the genus Homo.
  • The size of the skull, which has a considerable brain capacity, is comparable to that of modern humans and Neanderthals.
  • If the “Dragon Man” is a new species, it might bridge the gaps between our ancient ancestors called Homo erectus and us.