Genetic Markers Associated with Preterm Birth

  • 20 Apr 2023

Recently, Indian scientists working in the Garbh-Ini programme have identified 19 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), or genetic markers, that have been found to be associated with preterm birth.

  • The study was conducted by the Garbh-Ini team on 6,211 women from Haryana through a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on spontaneous preterm birth.
  • Preterm birth is a significant cause of neonatal deaths and complications globally, and around 13% of babies born annually in India are born preterm.
  • The study found that 5 SNPs increase the risk of early preterm birth (birth before 33 weeks) and can predict premature births.
  • 4 SNPs found in the cohort were significantly associated trans-ethnic SNPs, which showed association both in Indian women as well as in women belonging to the European ancestral population.
  • The study is important for public health, especially in India and Southeast Asia, as preterm births are one of the leading causes of neonatal deaths.
  • The research could help doctors identify women at risk of preterm delivery and monitor them closely.
  • The study is significant since preterm birth is the largest cause of neonatal deaths and complications globally.